W. eWatson wrote:
Terry Reedy wrote:
W. eWatson wrote:
 From Diez above.
What does *NOT* work is writing a Tkinter-based app in idle, and to run it
*FROM INSIDE* idle. Instead, open your explorer and double-click on the
pyhton-file your app is in. That's all that there is to it.

So this is the absolute truth? No wiggle room? One can never use a Tkinter program with IDLE, and execute it successfully. So IDLE doesn't issue a standard warning that says, "Get out of here with your Tkinter program, it will fail when you try to run it here. You have entered Tkinter hell. Good-bye."

Re-read my post about kids fighting to control a television. Maybe they work together, maybe they crash the TV. Hard to predict.

***ANY*** Python program that tries to grab and control the same resources that TK does may conflict with it. There is no way that IDLE can have a list of, for instance, all event-grabbing mainloop programs.

OK, enough tinkering with the code and others matters on my end trying to find a work around. Somehow after much successful use of IDLE's execution facility, I've stepped on an invisible banana peel. I think it's evident that I'm not going around this problem easily with the IDLE execution attempts, and that another solution is required.
That's correct, but you still don't understand _why_ it is correct.
I suggest you re-read the thread and try to understand everything you
are being told.

First, I think somewhere up the thread someone suggested that Active pythonWin is not dependent upon Tk, correct? Therefore, it is immune from such problems, correct?

Wrong.  I was the one who said that ActiveState had a product to debug
Python programs across a nertwork connection.  The product is _not_
ActivePython (the freely distributed system), but rather the Komodo IDE,
which does cost money.

Finally, we can probably agree that I can continue to use IDLE for editing and syntax checking, but to "guarantee" successful execution of the program, I can just double-click on the py file in my folder. Perhaps there is a better way than clicking on it in the folder. For example, putting it on the desktop. As I look at the folder, previous copies only differ by a digit, I can easily find myself executing an earlier version, differing as Dev4, to Dev5 at the end of each name.

OK, you are using the oldest and least useful revision control system,
"rename and remember."  I'd suggest you get and use bazaar, but you'll
just ask for shortcuts on how to use it without understanding what it does.

--Scott David Daniels

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