On Tuesday 28 April 2009 18:34, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

>> This module asks the socket module for AF_BLUETOOTH... in the socket
>> module there is no such thing as AF_BLUETOOTH. Could it be that the
>> person that made PyOBEX modified his socket module and forgot to give his
>> socket module? Or am I missing something? Maybe AF_BLUETOOTH stands for
>> something that a programmer would know but I am a beginner so...
>> Is there a OBEX module for Python on windows?
> AF_BLUETOOTH seems to be specific to *nix-systems. At least under debian
> and ubuntu, I've got it defined.

Yes, it appears to be compiled into the socket module if the relevant
Bluetooth library (libbluetooth) and header file (bluetooth.h) were
available when Python was built.

> So it seems it is not supported under windows - you should consider the
> author if that's a mistake, or by design.

By design, though a previous, unreleased version used the bluetooth module
provided by PyBluez (http://code.google.com/p/pybluez/) which contains its
own BluetoothSocket class before I released that the socket module could
also support Bluetooth sockets.

I guess I could change the package to use BluetoothSocket if Bluetooth
support isn't provided by the user's socket module.


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