So I should connect trough pybluez and send with obex??

"David Boddie" <> wrote in message 
> On Tuesday 28 April 2009 18:34, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
>>> This module asks the socket module for AF_BLUETOOTH... in the socket
>>> module there is no such thing as AF_BLUETOOTH. Could it be that the
>>> person that made PyOBEX modified his socket module and forgot to give 
>>> his
>>> socket module? Or am I missing something? Maybe AF_BLUETOOTH stands for
>>> something that a programmer would know but I am a beginner so...
>>> Is there a OBEX module for Python on windows?
>> AF_BLUETOOTH seems to be specific to *nix-systems. At least under debian
>> and ubuntu, I've got it defined.
> Yes, it appears to be compiled into the socket module if the relevant
> Bluetooth library (libbluetooth) and header file (bluetooth.h) were
> available when Python was built.
>> So it seems it is not supported under windows - you should consider the
>> author if that's a mistake, or by design.
> By design, though a previous, unreleased version used the bluetooth module
> provided by PyBluez ( which contains its
> own BluetoothSocket class before I released that the socket module could
> also support Bluetooth sockets.
> I guess I could change the package to use BluetoothSocket if Bluetooth
> support isn't provided by the user's socket module.
> David 


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