Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
would that be usable?
If so, how?

This is a guess, for your device,  but I suspect
something along these lines:

t = Ao_timer()

cb = t.after(100,thing_that_does_the_work(with_its_arguments))

Lots of assumptions here - the 100 should give you a tenth of a second...
Don't know what the arguments look like, and if you need to pass an instance (like self) - that would depend on where you are calling it from.

Play and see :-)

You should also be able to cancel the callback like this:


If you do it before the time out

- Hendrik

I don't really get it...

I can see that I should put a t.after(...) around the function that does the work, when calling it. That delays each call for the given period. I just tried it out, the console keeps saying
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\resource\python25\python25.zip\sensorfw.py", line 499, in data_cb File "c:\resource\python25\python25.zip\sensorfw.py", line 160, in custom_cb
  File "e:\python\r3s_contextdata.py", line 79, in acc_filter
  File "e:\python\r3s_contextdata.py", line 85, in acc_callback
  File "e:\python\r3s_contextdata.py", line 47, in doCallback
RuntimeError: Timer pending - cancel first


It seems like i should cancel the current counting timer, when a new call comes in - but how to determine when to cancel etc?

I'm kind of new to all this async python stuff.

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