Florian Diesch wrote:

From /usr/lib/python2.6/site.py:

| For Debian and derivatives, this sys.path is augmented with directories
| for packages distributed within the distribution. Local addons go
| into /usr/local/lib/python<version>/dist-packages, Debian addons
| install into /usr/{lib,share}/python<version>/dist-packages.
| /usr/lib/python<version>/site-packages is not used.

the above is not present in my windows documentation (or indeed site.py) at all so it seems they just decided to change the name. Anyone trying to debug why their distutils or setuptools or whichever python packager is going wrong will have yet another detail to remember. In addition, as any one who has done such trivial changes will already know, they forgot to do it globally eg my version of the "Debian Python Policy" document explicitly mentions site-packages.
Robin Becker

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