Nigel Rantor <> writes:

> Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
>> On Sunday 30 August 2009 22:46:49 Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>>>     Rather elitist viewpoint... Why don't we just drop nukes on some 60%
>>> of populated landmasses that don't have a "western" culture and avoid
>>> the whole problem?
>> Now yer talking, boyo!  It will surely help with the basic problem
>> which is the heavy infestation of people on the planet!
>> :-)
> <bait>
> On two conditions:
> 1) We drop some "test" bombs on Slough to satisfy Betjeman.
> 2) We strap both Xah and r to aforementioned bombs.
> </bait>
> <switch>
> Also, I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Esperanto yet. Sounds like
> something r and Xah would *love*.
> Slightly off-topic - does anyone have a good recipe for getting
> thunderbird to kill whole threads for good? Either based on a rule or
> just some extension I can use?
> The Xah/r threads are like car crashes, I can't help but watch but my
> time could be better spent and I don't want to unsub the whole list.
> </switch>

Please do not insult Xah. He spoke nothing in this threads. 

"After the divorce I gave Ginny and the kids more than the courts said I 
                -- Johnny Fontane, "Chapter 1", page 36

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