[Gregory Ewing]
> >>I just posted to my blog about a feature that I'd like to see added to
> >>Python.
> >>http://alphaios.blogspot.com/2009/11/python-string-inferred-names-wor...
> I don't think getattr and setattr are used anywhere near
> frequently enough to justify special syntax.

Perhaps that would change if we had the proposed syntax.
I would expect that powerful and expressive idioms would emerge.

> (A frequent question asked by newcomers from certain
> other kinds of languages is something like "How do I
> assign to a variable whose name is in another variable?"
> The answer is almost always "Don't do that, use a
> dictionary.")

The proposed syntax works better with class namespaces
which automatically provide inheritance logic and
method binding.  Dictionaries don't provide equivalent


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