j vickroy, 10.05.2010 17:39:
Unfortunately, when "Hudson Build now" is performed, the Hudson Console
output, for this job, is:

Started by user anonymous
Updating svn://vm-svn/GOES data processing/trunk/GOES/13,14,15/SXI/level-1
At revision 3403
no change for svn://vm-svn/GOES data
processing/trunk/GOES/13,14,15/SXI/level-1 since the previous build
[workspace] $ python.exe
os.getcwd(): C:\Documents and Settings\jim.vickroy\.hudson\jobs\GOES
13-15 SXI Level-1 Products Generation\workspace
os.listdir(os.getcwd()): ['level-1']
[workspace] $ cmd.exe -xe
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\jim.vickroy\.hudson\jobs\GOES 13-15 SXI
Level-1 Products Generation\workspace>Recording test results
No test report files were found. Configuration error?
Finished: FAILURE

The second [workspace] section output (above) looks like cmd.exe is
being executed with no parameters (i.e., without the
"nosetests.exe --where=level-1 --with-xunit --verbose") parameter.

No, what Hudson actually does, is, it writes your command(s) into a text file and runs it with the system's shell interpreter (which, unless otherwise configured, is "cmd.exe" on Windows). This assures the highest possible compatibility with the executed script. You can even use the shebang in Hudson's scripts that way, so that you can execute scripts in basically any scripting language.

The likely reason why it doesn't find your test results is that you didn't tell it where to look. Put a wildcard path into the unit test config box that finds the XML files that nosetest writes. It's also best to tell nosetest where to put them explicitly using a command line option.



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