On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 5:04 AM, kirby.ur...@gmail.com
<kirby.ur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is an idea I got thinking about COM objects, and getting
> some support from Mark Hammond, Python's Win32 wizard.
> The goal is to have a host language (not Python) instantiate
> an object that runs against the Python interpreter, which lives
> as its own process.  The VMs have various ways of implementing
> this.  Mono isn't that different right?
> In this design pattern, you have something like a dry cleaner's,
> where people submit jobs at the counter, and go away right
> away with a ticket (Python returns -- but keeps running).  When
> they come back is more up to them.  Work has been done in
> the meantime (or not, if the queue is backed up).

Isn't this the way people use queuing systems (ActiveMQ and the like)?
 Or simply multiprocessing + Queue.


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