On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Kushal Kumaran
<kushal.kumaran+pyt...@gmail.com> wrote:

<< snip >>

>> In this design pattern, you have something like a dry cleaner's,
>> where people submit jobs at the counter, and go away right
>> away with a ticket (Python returns -- but keeps running).  When
>> they come back is more up to them.  Work has been done in
>> the meantime (or not, if the queue is backed up).
> Isn't this the way people use queuing systems (ActiveMQ and the like)?
>  Or simply multiprocessing + Queue.
> --
> regards,
> kushal

Yeah, that's probably right.  This is more like a pedagogical
metaphor, a mnemonic.  As the name for a design pattern,
it should probably be confined to Python examples, as that's
where the wordplay on Medusa makes some sense, and
not just because her hair was all snakes.



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