On 11/17/2011 3:43 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
If you're having issues, grab a spare computer, throw Linux on it (I
recommend Ubuntu or Debian, others will have other preferred distros),
and see if the issues remain. Or if you're having trouble with the
GUI, try things from the command line (Windows's command interpreter
is pretty weak compared to bash, but it's plenty powerful enough).


If the OP is having trouble with this issue, and if he can't make Windows work here, I suspect that he'll get into trouble trying to install and test with Linux.

However if he did want to try it, and assuming he's got 8GB or so of extra space, one easy way to test with Linux is to install VirtualBox, then install Linux under that. I've done that a half dozen times without hiccups. That way he doesn't need a second machine and doesn't need to repartition or toss his old OS.


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