On 17/11/2011 23:54, W. eWatson wrote:
My mistake above. I was talking about the previous 2.5.2 of install in
Win7. Where I'm at is 2.7.2 now. However, I still find in very odd there
is no Edit with IDLE when I right-click on junk.py. That's the way it
worked on 2.5.2 on my XP and earlier, 2010, on Win7. Downright frustrating.

Well if I was still a windows administrator and you would be one of my users, I would first make sure that your profile or windows installation is not pooped as it definitively smells like that.

After being reassured that this is not the case I would then search the interwebs for something like "extending right click context menu".

Probably hitting something like this:


And after that searching where this 'idle' you speak of is actually located, probably finding something like this:


Then it rest me to combine them both, after promising myself not to install one version of a particular program 'for all users' and then 'updating' for 'only me' as this can screw up the default settings quite badly.

But hey I haven't been a win admin since I switched over to FreeBSD years and years ago. I find it immensely reassuring that the problems I encounter on my systems are all my fault, well actually that is just the same as with windows, just less obvious there.

Luckily I am no longer an administrator either as I couldn't stand it anymore when users spill their frustrations, although perfectly understandable, unto those who are actually willing to help.

Something to do with attitude or so, speaking if which, I do apologize for my own attitude, but given the choice of just ignoring you or lacing my post with patronization I though that the latter one was the least bad of them two.


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