I'm wanting to allow users to select hidden directories in windows and it seems 
that using the tkFileDialog.askdirectory() won't allow for that.  It's using 
the tkFileDialog.Directory class which calls an internal command 
'tk_chooseDirectory' .  However the file selector dialogs (askopenfilename, 
asksaveasfilename, etc) has the common windows dialog which supports showing 
hidden folders.  It's using the tkFileDialog.Open class which is calling an 
internal command of 'tk_getOpenFile'.

Can anyone shed light on why these two dialogs are so very different and 
possibly give me a solution to this hidden directory issue.  I have found that 
you can't really use the Open class because it's going to require a file be 
selected, not a directory and the Directory class won't navigate to or have an 
initialdir that is hidden (on windows the %APPDAT% folder is hidden by default)

Windows Example Code.

import tkFileDialog
# Won't start in or allow navigation to APPDATA
test = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(initialdir='%APPDATA%')
# Will start in and navigate to APPDATA
test = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(initialdir='%APPDATA%')

Thanks in advance for any help given!

Brandon L. Harris

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