It doesn't matter whether I pass the actual path in or the global variable 
name.  The result is the same. 

Brandon L. Harris

From: Karim []
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 12:42 AM
To: brandon harris
Subject: Re: tkFileDialogs

Le 06/07/2012 07:22, brandon harris a écrit :
> I'm wanting to allow users to select hidden directories in windows and it 
> seems that using the tkFileDialog.askdirectory() won't allow for that.  It's 
> using the tkFileDialog.Directory class which calls an internal command 
> 'tk_chooseDirectory' .  However the file selector dialogs (askopenfilename, 
> asksaveasfilename, etc) has the common windows dialog which supports showing 
> hidden folders.  It's using the tkFileDialog.Open class which is calling an 
> internal command of 'tk_getOpenFile'.
> Can anyone shed light on why these two dialogs are so very different and 
> possibly give me a solution to this hidden directory issue.  I have found 
> that you can't really use the Open class because it's going to require a file 
> be selected, not a directory and the Directory class won't navigate to or 
> have an initialdir that is hidden (on windows the %APPDAT% folder is hidden 
> by default)
> Windows Example Code.
> import tkFileDialog
> # Won't start in or allow navigation to APPDATA
> test = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(initialdir='%APPDATA%')
> # Will start in and navigate to APPDATA
> test = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(initialdir='%APPDATA%')
> Thanks in advance for any help given!
> Brandon L. Harris

Don't you use os.environ['APPDATA'] if this is an environment variable?


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