David Hoese wrote:

> A friend made me aware of this:
> When a python beginner (2.x) quick searches for "print" on
> docs.python.org, the print function doesn't even come up in the top 20
> results.  The print statement isn't even listed as far as I can tell.
> Is there something that can be done about this to make it easier for
> beginners?
> I understand that this is a very basic search and "print" is a very
> common word and a very basic python statement, but it's pretty difficult
> for a beginner to learn when the first 5 results are about the
> disassembler and the next 5 are C functions.

If they scroll down they will find, among other entries, "1. Introduction" 
(to the "Python library"), which they should have read in the first place.

The main problem, as I see it, is that the first search results are Unicode-
sorted by document title, where uppercase letters come first.

However, I do not think that posting to this newsgroup will change anything 
there.  You should take it to the python.org people instead who are, I am 
sorry to say so, responsible for this mess as well¹  (I have seldom, if 
ever, found anything useful using that search; usually I go by TOC and 
index).  There is a "Found a bug?" link at the bottom that appears to be of 

¹  The other mess they created (or allowed to be created) is this mashup of
   newsgroup and mailing list, neither of which works properly, because the
   underlying protocols are not compatible.  Add to that the abomination
   that Google Groups has become.

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