On 2012-10-01, Nick Cash <nick.c...@npcinternational.com> wrote:
>> urllib2.urlopen('http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?q=albert
>> urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
>> Will you kindly explain me the way to get rid of this?
> Looks like Google blocks non-browser user agents from retrieving this
> query. You *could* work around it by setting the User-Agent header to
> something fake that looks browser-ish, but you're almost certainly
> breaking Google's TOS if you do so.

I don't know about that particular Google service, but Google often
provides an API that's intended for use by non-browser programs. 
Those interfaces are usually both easier to use for the programmer and
impose less load on the servers.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I am deeply CONCERNED
                                  at               and I want something GOOD
                              gmail.com            for BREAKFAST!

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