On Fri, 12 Oct 2012 00:21:57 +0200, Hans Mulder wrote:

> On 9/10/12 04:39:28, rusi wrote:
>> On Oct 9, 7:34 am, rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> How about a 2-paren version?
>>>>>> x = [1,2,3]
>>>>>> reduce(operator.add,  [['insert', a] for a in x])
>>> ['insert', 1, 'insert', 2, 'insert', 3]
>> Or if one prefers the different parens on the other side:
>>>>> reduce(operator.add, (['insert', a] for a in x))
>> ['insert', 1, 'insert', 2, 'insert', 3]
> Or, if you don't want to import the operator module:
> sum((['insert', a] for a in x), [])

Which is also O(N**2) like the reduce solution above.

That means that it will seem perfectly fine when you test it using a a 
hundred or so items, then some day you'll pass it a list with ten million 
items and it will take 36 hours to complete.

I'm serious by the way. By my tests, increasing the number of items in 
the list by a factor of ten increases the time taken by between 30 and 
300 times.


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