On 13 October 2012 17:48, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The only way to support *absolutely everything* is to do nothing - to
> be a framework so thin you're invisible. (That's not to say you're
> useless; there are bridge modules that do exactly this - ctypes can
> call on any library function from Python; it must therefore abstract
> away nothing. But that's a very specific sort of case.) Anything else
> must by nature make some things easier and some things harder.

Without further ado I announce the release of my new library that
simultaneously does everything and nothing. It can be installed with:

    pip install ''

That's right: the library's name is the empty string (as it's source
and documentation). Don't be fooled by the error message from pip: the
library was correctly installed before you ran the command!

Other libraries have failed by imposing restrictions on usage in an
attempt to better serve a mere finite number of use cases. This
library is *equally optimal* for an uncountably infinite number of
purposes and comes with the strong guarantee that it will never
decrease your productivity in any situation whatsoever!


P.S. I also have not taken 10 minutes to read the documentation for
giotto as I get the impression that is not relevant to any of my own
use cases.

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