On Saturday, February 9, 2013 11:04:42 PM UTC-6, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
> > Well Chris i have wonderful news for you! Python /does/
> > have "homogenous arrays", and they're called, wait for
> > it......... arrays!

> That's not a built-in. But you were the one who complained about the
> way sum() could be applied to a list that contains a non-integer;
> maybe your solution is simply to ignore sum() and work with
> array.array?

Yes i could, however by doing so i would be ignoring the inconsistent elephant 
in the room. My crusade is to bring consistency and logic to languages, and if 
i have any free time afterwards, to remove multiplicity. There are two types of 
people in the world Chris, those that lead and those that follow. 

> Nice how you can complain about Python for not having something, then
> heap scorn on me for not being aware that it's there in the stdlib.
> (Which, by the way, I freely admit to being less than fully familiar
> with. Even less familiar with what's on PyPI.)

Well i would expect anyone who considers himself a python programmer (not to 
mention "pythonista"!) to at minimum be familiar with the stdlib. That does not 
mean he must have attained black belt level kung-fu in /every/ stdlib module, 
but he must at least /know/ all the modules names and all types that Python 
offers. Is that really too much to ask Chris?

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