On 2013-04-15 11:25, Gnarlodious wrote:
> Say I have a tuple I want to expand assigning to variables:
> tup = *func()
> var = tup[0]
> lst.append(tup[1])
> Or could I do it in one line?
> var, lst.append() = *func()
> So I want to append one variable to a list on the fly, is it
> possible?

I stumbled across this atrocity[*], which if you chose to use it,
you'd deserve a kick in the pants:

  lst.append("Value I don't care about and will overwrite")
  var, lst[-1] = *func()

It's not quite one step, but at least the *assignment* is one step :-)


[*] my original discovery was

  d = {}
  for key, d[key] in (("this",18), ("that",17), ("other",38)):
    print key

but the same applies to a plain ol' assignment statement as to an
assignment in a "for" loop.


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