On 04/15/2013 02:35 PM, Tobiah wrote:
> On 04/15/2013 11:25 AM, Gnarlodious wrote:
>> Say I have a tuple I want to expand assigning to variables:
>> tup = *func()
> What is the asterisk for?  I assume it's a python 3
> thing, because I get a syntax error, but I'm having
> trouble Googling it.

No it's not.  It's a tuple unpack operator.  It's commonly used in this

def func1(*args, **kwargs): #func1 can take variable args
   # do stuff
   func2( *args ) #unpack the variable args and pass them to func2
   func3( *args )
   func4( *args, **kwargs)

def func2( a, b, c):
   d = a + b + c

def func3 ( *args ):

def func4 ( *args, **kwargs):



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