Rui Maciel wrote:

> Peter Otten wrote:
>> I don't understand the question. My original point was that you should
>> omit class attributes that don't fulfill a technical purpose.
> You've said the following:
> <quote>
>> class Point:
> Don't add
>>         position = []
> to your code. That's not a declaration, but a class attribute and in the
> long run it will cause nothing but trouble.
> </quote>
> We've established that you don't like attribute declarations, at least
> those
> you describe as not fulfill a technical purpose.  What I don't understand
> is why you claim that that would "cause nothing but trouble".

Have you read the code in the interpreter session I posted? 

If you do not agree that the demonstrated behaviour is puzzling I'll have to 
drop my claim...
Likewise if you can show a benefit of the

>>         position = []



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