On 06/19/2013 05:14 PM, arturo balbuena wrote:
Hello guys...
I´m a begginer in Python, I'm doing a Hangman game, but I'm having trouble with 
this blank space. I would be greatful if you help me. :)

Here's my code:


When I run the code it says: Invalid Syntax and this is the error:



If you want us to read it, put it in your message. Show at least a few lines before and after the syntax error, and show the error itself, as text of course. Use copy/paste.

Of course that assumes you're using a proper console/shell, and know how to use it. So if you have to ask about that, start there.

In addition, specify the python version, and if appropriate, the OS and its version.

Generally, you can find your own problem. Syntax errors that seem confusing are frequently really on the line before the line in which they're "discovered."


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