On 2013-06-20, Joshua Landau <joshua.landau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20 June 2013 04:11, Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> wrote:
>> Also, opening-and-not-closing a set of brackets is almost the
>> only way in Python to make this kind of error (syntax at one
>> line, actual mistake far before).
>> See if your editor has a show-the-matching-bracket mode.
>> If you suspect you failed to close a bracket, one approach is
>> to go _below_ the syntax error (or right on it) and type a
>> closing bracket. Then see where the editor thinks the opening
>> one is.
> Thanks for that, that's quite an ingenious technique.

The auto-indent feature of Vim catches this type of syntax error,
and I imagine other good autoindent support will do the same.
After I press enter and the following line's indent isn't what I
expect, it is nearly always due to a missing bracket, quote or

So if you press enter and the autoindent is unexpected, don't
just press space or backspace to fix it. It's usually a sign of
an earlier syntax error, so look for that first.

Neil Cerutti

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