On 20Jun2013 13:55, Neil Cerutti <ne...@norwich.edu> wrote:
| On 2013-06-20, Joshua Landau <joshua.landau...@gmail.com> wrote:
| > On 20 June 2013 04:11, Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> wrote:
| >> Also, opening-and-not-closing a set of brackets is almost the
| >> only way in Python to make this kind of error (syntax at one
| >> line, actual mistake far before).
| >>
| >> See if your editor has a show-the-matching-bracket mode.
| >> If you suspect you failed to close a bracket, one approach is
| >> to go _below_ the syntax error (or right on it) and type a
| >> closing bracket. Then see where the editor thinks the opening
| >> one is.
| >
| > Thanks for that, that's quite an ingenious technique.
| The auto-indent feature of Vim catches this type of syntax error,
| and I imagine other good autoindent support will do the same.

Interesting. I use autoindent but grew up with it for prose.
I hadn't realised vim's support inderstaood python indentation.
I'll have to pay more attention...
Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

Do I have it all?  Yes.
Do I want more?  Yeah, sure.    - Demi Moore

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