On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 5:04 PM, CTSB01 <scott.moore...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Ian.  That worked regarding that issue.  Now I have an 'invalid 
> syntax' issue unfortunately.
>>> def phi_m(x,m):
>       rtn = []
>       for n2 in range(0, len(x)*m - 2):
>         n = n2 / m
>         r = n2 - n * m
>         rtn.append(m * x[n] + r * (x[n + 1] - x[n]))
>         print 'n2 =', n2, ': n =', n, ' r =' , r, ' rtn =', rtn
>       rtn
> on the line  print 'n2 =', n2, ': n =', n, ' r =' , r, ' rtn =', rtn  Is it 
> something obvious?

Are you using Python 2 or 3?  "print" has changed from a statement to
a function, so the above syntax would be invalid in Python 3.

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