On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Ferrous Cranus <ni...@superhost.gr> wrote:
> Let alone that i when i try to set the 'host' variable i get this line at my
> '/tmp/err.out'
> ni...@superhost.gr [~]# cat /tmp/err.out
> UnicodeDecodeError('utf-8', b'\xb6\xe3\xed\xf9\xf3\xf4\xef
> \xfc\xed\xef\xec\xe1 \xf3\xf5\xf3\xf4\xde\xec\xe1\xf4\xef\xf2', 0, 1,
> 'invalid start byte')

So host isn't being set because of this error, which you're blithely
carrying on after and assuming that things have happened. Solve this
problem, only then move on. Otherwise you WILL confuse yourself


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