Στις 1/9/2013 7:10 μμ, ο/η Ferrous Cranus έγραψε:
Στις 1/9/2013 6:36 μμ, ο/η Dave Angel έγραψε:
On 1/9/2013 10:08, Ferrous Cranus wrote:

Here is it:

errout = open( '/tmp/err.out', 'w' )        # opens and truncates the
output file
    gi = pygeoip.GeoIP('/usr/local/share/GeoIPCity.dat')
    city = gi.time_zone_by_addr( os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) or
gi.time_zone_by_addr( os.environ['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'] )
    host = socket.gethostbyaddr( os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] )[0] or
socket.gethostbyaddr( os.environ['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'] )[0] or "Proxy
except Exception as e:
    print( "Xyzzy exception-", repr( sys.exc_info() ), file=errout )


and the output of error file is:

ni...@superhost.gr [~]# cat /tmp/err.out
UnicodeDecodeError('utf-8', b'\xb6\xe3\xed\xf9\xf3\xf4\xef
\xfc\xed\xef\xec\xe1 \xf3\xf5\xf3\xf4\xde\xec\xe1\xf4\xef\xf2', 0, 1,
'invalid start byte')

Nope.  The label  "Xyzzy exception" is not in that file, so that's not
the file you created in this run.  Further, if that line existed before,
it would have been wiped out by the open with mode "w".

i suggest you add yet another write to that file, immediately after
opening it:

errout = open( '/tmp/err.out', 'w' )        # opens and truncates the
print("starting run", file=errorout)

Until you can reliably examine the same file that was logging your
errors, you're just spinning your wheels.  you might even want to write
the time to the file, so that you can tell whether it was now, or 2 days
ago that the run was made.

I tried it and it printed nothing.
But suddenly thw ebpage sttaed to run and i get n invalid byte entried
and no weird messge files.py is working as expcted.
what on earht?

Now i ahve thso error:


# DATABASE INSERTS - do not increment the counter if a Cookie is set to
the visitors browser already

if( not vip and re.search(
host ) is None ):

     print( "i'm in and data is: ", host )
         #find the needed counter for the page URL
         if os.path.exists( path + page ) or os.path.exists( cgi_path +
page ):
             cur.execute('''SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE url = %s''',
page )
             data = cur.fetchone()        #URL is unique, so should only
be one

         if not data:
             #first time for page; primary key is automatic, hit is
             cur.execute('''INSERT INTO counters (url) VALUES (%s)''',
page )
             cID = cur.lastrowid        #get the primary key value of
the new record
             #found the page, save primary key and use it to issue hit
             cID = data[0]
             cur.execute('''UPDATE counters SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE ID
= %s''', cID )

         #find the visitor record for the (saved) cID and current host
         cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE counterID = %s and
host = %s''', (cID, host) )
         data = cur.fetchone()        #cID&host are unique

         if not data:
             #first time for this host on this page, create new record
             cur.execute('''INSERT INTO visitors (counterID, host, city,
useros, browser, lastvisit) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', (cID,
host, city, useros, browser, date) )
             #found the page, save its primary key for later use
             vID = data[0]
             #UPDATE record using retrieved vID
             cur.execute('''UPDATE visitors SET city = %s, useros = %s,
browser = %s, hits = hits + 1, lastvisit = %s
                                     WHERE counterID = %s and host =
%s''', (city, useros, browser, date, vID, host) )

         con.commit()        #if we made it here, the transaction is

     except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
         print( repr(e) )
         con.rollback()        #something failed, rollback the entire

i get no counter increment when visitors visit my webpage.
What on eart is going on?

How the previous error with the invalid byte somehtign got solved?

i still wonder how come the invalid byte messge dissapeared

Webhost <http://superhost.gr>

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