Den onsdagen den 30:e oktober 2013 kl. 15:22:50 UTC+1 skrev Alister:
> On Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:42:37 +0100, Antoon Pardon wrote:
> > Op 30-10-13 13:17, Chris Angelico schreef:
> >> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Antoon Pardon
> >> <> wrote:
> >> I broadly agree with your post (I'm of the school of thought that
> >> braces are better than indentation for delimiting blocks), but I don't
> >> think this argument holds water. All you need to do is be consistent
> >> about tabs OR spaces (and I'd recommend tabs, since they're simpler and
> >> safer), and you'll never have this trouble.
> > 
> > Easier said than done. First of all I can be as consistent as possible,
> > I can't just take code from someone else and insert it because that
> > other person may be consistenly doing it different from me.
> I disagree it is very easy.
> 1) make sure you editor is set to inset 4 spaces rather than tab when 
> pressing the tab key. consistency in your own code is now not an issue.
> 2) when importing code from someone else a simple search & replace of tab 
> with 4 spaces will instantly correct the formatting on code using tab 
> without breaking code that doesn't.
> > 
> > Then if you are working on different machines, the settings of your
> > editor may not always be the same so that you have tabs on one machine
> > and spaces on an other, which causes problem when you move the code.
> > 
> that is fixed by setting your environment consistantly but step 2 above 
> will fix it if you forget.
> > Also when you have an xterm, selecting a tab and pasting it into another
> > it will turn the tab into spaces.
> Read pep 11 & always use 4 spaces for indentation not tab.
> > 
> > All these things usually can be ignored, they typically only show up
> > when you print something and things aren't aligned as you expect but
> > with python you are forced to correct those things immediately, forcing
> > you to focus on white space layout issues instead of on the logic of the
> > code.
> > 
> >> Also, the parser should tell you if you mix tabs and spaces, so that
> >> won't trip anything either.
> > 
> > Maybe you mean something different than I understand but a program
> > throwing a syntax error because there is a tab instead of a number of
> > spaces or vice versa, is something I would understand as tripping.
> no more than failing to close a brace in a C like language
> indentation is the syntax of python you will grow to love it, like most 
> people I found it distracting at first even though i tended to indent 
> other code (inconsistently)to make it readable.
> -- 
> I am what you will be; I was what you are.

Alister i do not ask for changing the actual implementation with indents that 
the compiler/interpretator work with. What i ask for is some courtesy relative 
the programmers using IDLE, to incorporate a simple automatic parser that let 
them who like to write slopy formatted with end instead to do so. And the 
parser in editor automaticly go in and autoindent *function, loops, if and 
allow end that the editor autoindent to end of loop. It can not be that hard i 
have implemented my own python using this...

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