On 12/2/2013 4:25 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:
jmf is certainly a troll

No, he is a person who discovered a minor performance regression in the FSR, which we fixed. Unfortunately, he then continued for a year with a strange troll-like anti-FSR crusade. But his posts in the Unicode handling thread were not part of that. It seems to me that continually beating someone over the head with the past discourages changed behavior. To me, the point of asking someone to 'stop' is to persuade them to stop. The reward for stopping should be to let the issue go.

haven't seen any threads from that one lately -- did he give up, or has
he been moderated away?).

Action was taken, including changing the usenet (clr) to mailing-list gateway. (I already mentioned this twice here.) The was done by one of the mailman infrastructure people at the request of the list owner/moderators. The people who stuck their necks out to privately contact the person in question displeased him and got privately mail-bombed with repeated insults. I guess he subsequently gave up.

the coddling of trolls and help-vampires also makes the list an
unfriendly place to be.

I agree with the that as a statement, but not the implication. Was I hallucinating, or did you not recently participate in the discussion and decision to stop coddling our most obnoxious 'troll' in the community?

Terry, would it be appropriate to share some of what the moderators do
do for us on this list and the others?

Python-list moderators discard perhaps one spam post a day. You already noticed a recent major benefit.

And what does the Code of
Conduct have to say about trolls and help-vampires?

I need to re-read it to really answer that adequately. The term and defined concept 'help-vampire' is new to me (as of a month ago) and probably to the CoC writers. However, the behavior strikes me as disrespectful of the community, and that *is* generically covered.

Terry Jan Reedy


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