On 10/12/2013 11:35, shankha wrote:
> I wish to make contribution to Python source code. I have studied the
> developers guide and made myself familiar with mercurial. I wish to
> start of with some doc bugs as this will give me insight into
> how the whole process(review, tests, patches) works. Is it okay if to take:
> http://bugs.python.org/issue19940.
> Will update the bug report once you guys are fine with it. My platform
> will primarily be Linux.

> Thanks
> Gudge

Welcome Gudge, and thanks for wanting to contribute. We're a fairly open
organisation, so you don't need anyone's permission to start
contributing: just add your comments or your patch to the issue you want
to work on.

The core-mentorship mailing list might be of use to you: it is
specifically aimed at people wanting help with contributing to Python.
It has special conditions to make it more friendly to people who might
be shy of looking foolish on a public mailing list. Feel free to subscribe:


(see also http://pythonmentors.com/ which acts as a landing page for the

Good luck


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