Le samedi 4 janvier 2014 23:46:49 UTC+1, Terry Reedy a écrit :
> On 1/4/2014 2:10 PM, wxjmfa...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Le samedi 4 janvier 2014 15:17:40 UTC+1, Chris Angelico a écrit :
> >> any, and Python has only one, idiot like jmf who completely
> Chris, I appreciate the many contributions you make to this list, but 
> that does not exempt you from out standard of conduct.
> >> misunderstands what's going on and uses microbenchmarks to prove
> >> obscure points... and then uses nonsense to try to prove... uhh...
> Troll baiting is a form of trolling. I think you are intelligent enough 
> to know this.  Please stop.
> > I do not mind to be considered as an idiot, but
> > I'm definitively not blind.
> >
> > And I could add, I *never* saw once one soul, who is
> > explaining what I'm doing wrong in the gazillion
> > of examples I gave on this list.
> If this is true, it is because you have ignored and not read my 
> numerous, relatively polite posts. To repeat very briefly:
> 1. Cherry picking (presenting the most extreme case as representative).
> 2. Calling space saving a problem (repeatedly).
> 3. Ignoring bug fixes.
> 4. Repetition (of the 'gazillion example' without new content).
> Have you ever acknowledged, let alone thank people for, the fix for the 
> one bad regression you did find. The FSR is still a work in progress. 
> Just today, Serhiy pushed a patch speeding up the UTF-32 encoder, after 
> previously speeding up the UTF-32 decoder.
> -- 

My examples are ONLY ILLUSTRATING, this FSR
is wrong by design, can be on the side of
memory, performance, linguistic or even

I will not refrain you to waste your time
in adjusting bytes, if the problem is not
on that side.



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