On 08/21/2014 06:54 AM, David Palao wrote:
> Hello,
> I consider myself a python programmer, although C++ was one of the
> first languages I learned (not really deeply and long time ago).
> Now I decided to retake C++, to broaden my view of the business.
> However, as I progress in learning C++, I cannot take out of my head
> one question
>  Why to use C++ instead of python?

Get yourself a cheap arduino-compatible board  ($20 or so) and then
start programming it.  The Arduino framework is C++.  It's kind of fun
to program in such a small, compact environment.  C++ actually suits it
fairly well.

What I sometimes do is mock up an arduino project on the PC using python
(talking directly to arduino I/O pins using a special firmware that
talks over the serial port), and then convert it to C++ to run directly
on the arduino.

Another project combines arduino with a raspberry pi or like device.
C++ code runs on the arduino, and Python runs on the pi to communicate
with it and do things like provide a web interface.

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