On 22Aug2014 12:27, Travis Griggs <travisgri...@gmail.com> wrote:
I’m curious if there’s a technique one could use to get half way there. Basically, with minimal modifications, I’d like to get it running at startup. So I can put a line like this in rc.local

nohup python3 myMain.py 2>&1 > /var/log/mylog.log &

Just to this. You have your redirections backwards. They are applied left to right. So, first "2>&1": sending stderr to where stdout currently goes (probably the system console if this runs from rc.local). Then, "> /var/log/mylog.log": sending current stdout to the log file. Importantly, _not_ attaching stderr to the log file.

You want to write this:

  command >log 2>&1

As others have remarked, you do not need to daemonise a process started from rc.local.

And as others have remarked, if you want it to start/stop under external conrol, or restart after a program abort etc, you may be better adding it as to the configuration of something like systemd or init.

That said, I start a bunch of things in rc.local. It is quick and easy, and also handy for stuff that shouldn't be restarted automatically if it dies.

Then I can “check” on it when I need to with a tail -f /var/log/mylog.log. But then I have the problem of managing the log size. And also I either have to wait for stdout to flush, or insert sys.stdout.flush() after any of my print()’s.

Log messages should be going to stderr anyway, which by default is unbuffered.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

You can't have everything...  where would you put it?
        - Charles Robinson, cr0...@medtronic.com

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