On Wed, 22 Oct 2014 19:58:24 -0700, Larry Hudson <org...@yahoo.com>

>On 10/22/2014 05:02 PM, Seymore4Head wrote:
>> On Thu, 23 Oct 2014 00:44:01 +0100, Mark Lawrence
>> <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
><snip>  (This is in reference to the line:  if y in str(range(10)):)
>>> I suggest you try str(range(10)) from the interactive prompt and see
>>> exactly what you get, as it's nothing like what you expect :)
>> I see that now.  So there may not be a short hand solution.
>Yes there is.
>That statement would work in Py2 as-is, but in Py3 it needs to be changed to:
>if y in list(range(10)):
>This give you a list not a string, but that's actually what you want here.  If 
>you _really_ want 
>a string, use join():  "".join(list(range(10)))
>------  Also, from another post:  -------
> > Thanks a lot for all your suggestions.  I haven't learned to use the
> > interpreter yet.  I do plan on learning to use it.
>You are making yourself work several hundred times harder if you don't learn 
>to use the 
>interactive mode!
> > The problem with that at the moment is that I have enrolled in an
> > online computer class.  They use Codeskulptor.
> > Codeskulptor code is not compatible to standard Python.
>I would be GREATLY bothered by the fact that it is not standard Python -- it 
>sounds like a poor 
>course.  You also seems to imply that you are only using those on-line tools 
>and don't have a 
>real Python installed on your own system.  If so, that is an extremely bad 
>choice.  And if so, 
>stop everything until you do install it NOW (definitely Python 3).  Then you 
>can play with 
>things on your own system IN THE INTERACTIVE MODE!!!  That's when you will 
>start actually learning.
>      -=- Larry -=-

OK  Good advice.  I already have Py3 installed.  Interactive mode is
the next item on my do list.


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