On 10/22/2014 03:30 PM, Seymore4Head wrote:
On Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:30:37 -0400, Seymore4Head
<Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid> wrote:

One more question.
if y in str(range(10)
Why doesn't that work.
I commented it out and just did it "long hand"

def nametonumber(name):
     for x in (name):
     for y in (lst):
         #if y in str(range(10)):
         if y in "1234567890":
         if y in " -()":
         if y in "abc":
         if y in "def":
         if y in "ghi":
         if y in "jkl":
         if y in "mno":
         if y in "pqrs":
         if y in "tuv":
         if y in "wxyz":
     number="".join(str(e) for e in nx)
     return (number)
print (nametonumber(a))#1800 438 2427 837
a="1-800-leo laporte"
print (nametonumber(a))
a="1 800 callaprogrammer"
print (nametonumber(a))

I know you are trying to explore lists here, but I found myself somewhat intrigued with the problem itself, so I wrote a different version. This version does not use lists but only strings. I'm just presenting it as-is to let you try to follow the logic, but if you ask, I'll explain it in detail. It turns your long sequence of if's essentially into a single line -- unfortunately 's' and 'z' have to be handled as special-cases, which turns that single line into a six-line if/elif/else set. You might consider this line 'tricky', but I'll just say it's just looking at the problem from a different viewpoint. BTW, this version accepts upper-case as well as lower-case. isdigit() and isalpha() are standard string methods.

#------  Code  ----------
def name2number(name):
    nstr = ''    #  Phone-number string to return
    codes = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxy'  #  Note missing s and z

    for ch in name:
        if ch in " -()":
            nstr += ch
        elif ch.isdigit():
            nstr += ch
        elif ch.isalpha():
            ch = ch.lower()
            #   S and Z are special cases
            if ch == 's':
                nstr += '7'
            elif ch == 'z':
                nstr += '9'
                nstr += str(codes.index(ch) // 3 + 2)
    return nstr
#-------  End of Code  ---------

A possible variation would be to make nstr a list instead of a string, and use .append() instead of the +=, and finally return the string by using join() on the list. Also, the if and first elif in the for could be combined: if ch in " -()" or ch.isdigit():

     -=- Larry -=-


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