On 11/13/2014 3:45 PM, Rich Cook wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to toss together an image browser in tkinter, and it is so slow 
it is unworkable.  Here is my code.  Can someone point out why it's so sloooow? 
 :-)  Thanks

root = Tkinter.Tk()
label = Tkinter.Button(root, compound=Tkinter.TOP)

numimages = len(image_list)
numcols = 6
numrows = numimages/numcols

That should be numimages // numcols

if numrows * numcols != numimages:
     numrows += 1

frame = Tkinter.Frame(root)
for col in range(numcols):
     frame.columnconfigure(col, pad=2)

for row in range(numrows):
     frame.rowconfigure(row, pad=2)

print "There are", numimages, "images"  # 256 in fact...
for imagenum, (row, col) in enumerate([(row,col) for row in range(numrows) for 
col in range(numcols)]):
     b = Tkinter.Label(frame, compound = Tkinter.TOP)
     b['text'] = os.path.basename(image_list[imagenum])
     b['image'] = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(image_list[imagenum]) )

ImageTk? or Tkinter?

     b.grid(row=row, column = col)



Terry Jan Reedy


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