In article <54c0a571$0$13002$c3e8da3$>, says...
> The point isn't that there are no other alternative interpretations 
> possible, or that annotations are the only syntax imaginable, but that 
> they're not hard to guess what they mean, and if you can't guess, they're 
> not hard to learn and remember.

Possibly one common use case will be Unions. And that factory syntax is 
really awful and long when you look at a function definition with as 
little as 3 arguments. The one below has only 2 arguments.

def handle_employees(emp: Union[Employee, Sequence[Employee]], raise: 
Union[float, Sequence[float]]) -> Union[Employee, Sequence[Employee], 

That's for a generic list-like container. Have fun with the Mapping 

Meanwhile there's quite a few more generics like the Sequence one above 
you may want to take a look at and try and remember. And that's just one 
factory (the generics support factory). You may also want to take a look 
at TypeVar and Callable for more syntactic hell.
Meanwhile, there's the strange decision to implement type hints for 
local variables # comment lines. I have an hard time wrapping my head 
around this one. Really, comments!?

Finally, remember all this is being added to your code just to 
facilitate static analysis. Strangely enough though I was taught from 
the early beginning that once I start to care about types in Python, I 
strayed from the pythonic way. I'm confused now... What is it then?

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