On Fri, 13 Mar 2015 12:37:30 +1100, Ben Finney
<ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:

>Any service which doesn't run their service on free software is one to
>avoid <URL:http://mako.cc/writing/hill-free_tools.html>; free software
>projects need free tools to remain that way.
>GitLab <URL:https://about.gitlab.com/> is a good option: they provide
>VCS, file hosting, wiki, issue tracker, code review via merge requests,
>etc. and all of it can be migrated to any other instance of the same

For sure the Communition Edition offers self-hosting. But in face of
Benjamin article above, what is your opinion on its commercial
approach to provide only relevant features through its vendor lock-in

I always wondered what would happen if the developers community
chooses to take its open-source Community edition and fork it into a
EE edition.

Reminds me so much of MySQL and why MariaDB is today a superior

>Also worth watching is Kallithea, a new federated code hosting service
><URL:https://kallithea-scm.org/>. It supports Mercurial and Git for VCS,
>code review, and integrates with existing issue trackers. Because it's
>federated, you won't suffer from vendor lock-in.
>Good hunting in finding a free-software code hosting provider for your

And Redmine. Kallithea and Redmine seem like two great options. The
only problem with Redmine is that it does not provide any Git workflow
(correc tme if this is not true anymore).

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