In <> Sahlusar 
<> writes:

> However, when I extrapolate this same logic with a list like:

> ('Response.MemberO.PMembers.PMembers.Member.CurrentEmployer.EmployerAddress
> .TimeAtPreviousAddress.', None), where the headers/columns are the first
> item (only to be written out once) with different values. I receive an
> output CSV with repeating headers and values all printed in one long string

First, I would try to determine if the problem is in the makerows()
function, or if the problem is elsewhere.

Have you tried creating some dummy data by hand and seeing how makerows()
handles it?

(By the way, if your post had included some sample data that illustrates
the problem, it would have been much easier to figure out a solution.
Instead, we are left guessing at your XML format, and at the particular
implementation of flatten_dict().)

John Gordon                   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs              B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
                                -- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"


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