It was an XML formatting issue; apparently you have to explicitly call a
delimiter via the Command Prompt on my OS. IPython Notebook seems to make
certain assumptions regarding read and write.

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 3:12 PM, John Gordon <> wrote:

> In <> Sahlusar <
>> writes:
> > However, when I extrapolate this same logic with a list like:
> >
> ('Response.MemberO.PMembers.PMembers.Member.CurrentEmployer.EmployerAddress
> > .TimeAtPreviousAddress.', None), where the headers/columns are the first
> > item (only to be written out once) with different values. I receive an
> > output CSV with repeating headers and values all printed in one long
> string
> First, I would try to determine if the problem is in the makerows()
> function, or if the problem is elsewhere.
> Have you tried creating some dummy data by hand and seeing how makerows()
> handles it?
> (By the way, if your post had included some sample data that illustrates
> the problem, it would have been much easier to figure out a solution.
> Instead, we are left guessing at your XML format, and at the particular
> implementation of flatten_dict().)
> --
> John Gordon                   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
>              B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
>                                 -- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"
> --

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