On Tue, 22 Dec 2015 09:27 am, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:

> No, it is not.  Your logic is flawed, too, pseudonymous nobody with the
> unreadable posting style.

If its unreadable, how do you know what it says?

"PointedEars", you're doing a marvellous job of acting like a self-righteous
and hypocritical buffoon who constantly complains about the most trivial
matters when committed by others, while ignoring that you do the same sort
of things.

You whinge about others using "fake names", whatever that means, when you
yourself go by a fake name "PointedEars".

You whinge about people's attribution lines extending over two virtual
lines, as if that matters, while ignoring the fact that your sig is twice
as long as is polite.

You whinge about people posting "dumb questions", while continuing to post
dumb answers.

When you make an error of logic, your response is never to accept that you
were wrong, but you just compound the error by insisting that the other
party is the one with flawed logic.

So, Thomas, if that is your real name, get over yourself. I don't know what
small pond you have come from, but you're in the big ocean of the Internet
now, and you're no longer the smartest person around. Admit it when you
make a mistake, and stop being such so whiny, prissy and unhelpful.

Or, if you can't do that, just go away and whine on some other newsgroup
where they might be impressed by your astonishing lack of social know-how.

Thank you.



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