Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> writes:

> Better yet, please don't change the Subject header for trivial reasons
> in the first place.

When the subject of the ongoing discussion changes, it's normal to
change the Subject field accordingly.

I agree with your admonition against trivial alterations to that field;
I hope you agree with me that it is not trivial, but rather is normal
and helpful, to update the Subject field to track significant changes in
the subject of the discussion.

> This isn't just a Usenet group; it's also a mailing list, and many
> MUAs rely on the Subject header for proper threading.

If such MUAs do that, they're misinterpreting the Subject field. Other
fields are available with the explicit meaning of relating messages to
each other regardless of what they discuss.

If the correct fields are being mangled, then the correct place to apply
pressure is on those who can fix that error. Let's not overload the
Subject field to make up the lack.

 \           “Self-respect: The secure feeling that no one, as yet, is |
  `\                                    suspicious.” —Henry L. Mencken |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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