having a little trouble with defining functions. i have a doc called ch5.py and 
when i was trying the following i had issues 

Try It Out: Defining a Function
Try saving the following in your file for Chapter 5, ch5.py.def in_fridge():

           count = fridge[wanted_food]
       except KeyError:
           count = 0
       return count
How It Works

When you invoke ch5.py (press F5 while in Code Editor) with just the in_fridge 
function defined, you won't see any output. However, the function will be 
defined, and it can be invoked from the interactive Python session that you've 

To take advantage of the in_fridge function, though, you have to ensure that 
there is a dictionary called fridge with food names in it. In addition, you 
have to have a string in the name wanted_food. This string is how you can ask, 
using in_fridge, whether that food is available. Therefore, from the 
interactive session, you can do this to use the function:

   >>> fridge = {'apples':10, 'oranges':3, 'milk':2}
   >>> wanted_food = 'apples'
   >>> in_fridge()
   >>> wanted_food = 'oranges'
   >>> in_fridge()
   >>> wanted_food = 'milk'
   >>> in_fridge()

---this is what I have and tried to run--
def in_fridge():

    fridge = {'apples':10, 'oranges':3, 'milk':2}
wanted_food = 'apples'

where am i going wrong

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