Hi there,

I am making my first attempt at 3D rendering.  My system configuration:

OS     : Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
Python : 3.5.1
Qt     : 5.5.1
PyQt   : 5.5.1
OpenGL : 4.5.0 (I have a modern GPU)

All software was installed from the Canonical repository.  I didn't build any 
binaries myself.

>From my reading, I have concluded that Qt, PyQt, and OpenGL are all 
>rapidly-evolving, and huge, software packages.  There may be compatibility 
>problems, and relevant examples with the right software combination may be 
>hard to find.

Two weeks of searching web pages hasn't turned up a single example which 
demonstrates PyQt5 doing something simple in 3D with OpenGL that I can study.  
My own attempt to write such a program displays my QOpenGLWidget subclass 
instance, and calls the methods I defined, but throws this exception:

ImportError: No module named 'PyQt5._QOpenGLFunctions_4_5_Compatibility'

Here's a snippet of the offending method of my QOpenGLWidget:

    def initializeGL(self):
        ctx = self.context()  # This works, ctx is a PyQt5.QtGui.QOpenGLContext
        print(ctx.versionFunctions())  # ImportError occurs here

Searching for that ImportError, I found a page which says that error occurs 
when "you have a more capable version of OpenGL than PyQt has support for", but 
no advice is offered on how to fix that problem.

I like the idea of using PyQt5, because I'm getting pretty familiar with it, 
BUT I am open to trying any quick and clear route to 3D rendering.  I would 
appreciate the community's recommendations.  Thanks.

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