Well, I've made some progress.  My program doesn't draw any 3D objects yet, but 
it creates an OpenGL rendering window, binds the OpenGL functions, and 
generates no errors.  Here's the corrected initializeGL method:

    def initializeGL(self):
        c = self.context()
        f = QSurfaceFormat()             # The default
        p = QOpenGLVersionProfile(f)
        self.GL = c.versionFunctions(p)

On Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 12:56:53 AM UTC-7, Phil Thompson wrote:
> On 4 Oct 2016, at 5:57 am, John Ladasky <j...@s...net> wrote:
> > 
> > On Monday, October 3, 2016 at 1:30:29 AM UTC-7, Phil Thompson wrote:
> >> On 3 Oct 2016, at 4:29 am, John Ladasky <j...@s...net> wrote:
> > If I ever understand a GUI like PyQt5 well enough, I'd like to contribute 
> > to its documentation.  Sigh.
> If you are an OpenGL expert 


While I have experience with quite a few scientific computing Python tools 
(numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, scikit-learn), I know less about OpenGL than 
I do PyQt5.  There's always more to learn.

>then you could help a lot by answering my questions about how individual 
>functions should be bound.

In all the examples I've encountered on the Net (most of which are written in 
C++ -- or if they are PyQt examples, they're binding older versions of OpenGL), 
the preferred approach seems to be the one that I've taken above.  If you want 
to call an OpenGL function, you have to look it up in the self.GL namespace.

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