"Chris Angelico" wrote in message news:captjjmpppgm+_ut_amtnb7vgo0vrgptu6iagyjqwvpxg5yp...@mail.gmail.com...

On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 9:19 PM, Frank Millman <fr...@chagford.com> wrote:

> 3. Generate the password from the string supplied by the user as > follows -
>    from hashlib import blake2b
>    password = blake2b('my_password'.encode('utf-8'), salt=salt).digest()
> The hashlib docs have the following warning -
> "Salted hashing (or just hashing) with BLAKE2 or any other > general-purpose > cryptographic hash function, such as SHA-256, is not suitable for > hashing
> passwords. See BLAKE2 FAQ for more information."
> I propose to ignore this warning. I feel that, for my purposes, the > above
> procedure is adequate.
> Does all this sound reasonable?

Check out some prior art. When I build a web app using Flask, I
generally use Werkzeug's password management features:


As well as doing everything I said above about salting and hashing and
having signatures, it pushes the responsibility onto someone else. You
just give it a password and get back an ASCII string that you stash in
the database. If there's a security flaw, Werkzeug can push a new
version that fixes it - it's not your problem.

At very least, be aware of what these kinds of libraries are doing.
I'm not saying you should blindly trust them or automatically reach
for a dependency, but they're worth looking at.

All excellent advice - thanks very much.

It seems that Werkzeug (which looks great, by the way) uses something called pbkdf2.

The new kid on the block seems to be Argon2. A python implementation called argon2_cffi has been released by Hynek Schlawack, who has written this article -

This is his preamble - "if you’re hashing your passwords with bcrypt/scrypt/PBKDF2 today, there’s nothing to worry about in the immediate future. This article is for you if you’re choosing a password hash today and want a future-proof solution."

I eventually got argon2_cffi installed, and it works very nicely, so I will run with that for now.

Thanks again



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