On Thu, 09 Feb 2017 11:16:18 -0600, Andreas Paeffgen wrote:

> I guess which does not return an error code. If it does not find 
> anything, the return is just blank. If it finds something, the path is 
> returned.
> So the change of code did not help, because there is just no error message.
> Could there be a $path problem in the subprocess started inside the binary?

Here is a method I frequently use to replace the which
command. (air code)

import os
pathlist = os.environ["PATH"].split(":")

def which(target)
    for p in pathlist:
        fullpath = p + "/" + target
        if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
            return fullpath, True
    return "", False

target, found = which("pandoc")
if found:
    target will contain the full path to pandoc
    pandoc was not found

<Wildman> GNU/Linux user #557453
The cow died so I don't need your bull!

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