On 22/09/2017 19:50, Joey Steward wrote:

I've been attempting to begin learning Django but have been having running
Django and Python commands on windows.

For example, when I run django-admin startproject mytestsite, I get the
following error message

django-admin : *The term 'django-admin' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of
the name, or if a path was included,*
*verify that the path is correct and try again.*
*At line:1 char:1*
+ django-admin startproject mytestsite
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
     + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (django-admin:String) [],
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Just curious if anyone has encountered a similar problem and can give some
advice on getting moving in the right direction.

Thanks a lot!

This is a repeat of your post of 20/9/2017.

I cut and pasted your error message "django-admin : *The term 'django-admin' is not ...." into Google and the first hit was the fix to the problem.

Pasting error messages into a Google search gives instant results. Posting to the list/newsgroup may give better, more personalised responses but you may have to wait sometime before anyone replies.


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