On Thu, 7 Dec 2017 11:58 am, nick martinez wrote:

> I'm stuck. I need my program to round the end solution to 2 decimal places
> but cant figure it out. Can someone help? I've been trying between printf
> and round() but cant seem to get either to work.

It might help if you show exactly what values you have tried. This works for

py> volume = 1.23456789
py> print(volume )
py> print(round(volume , 2))

The rest of your code is interesting but irrelevant to your question. If you
want to learn how to round to 2 decimal places, the actual calculation of
surface area and volume aren't necessary. The only really important part is
this line:

>    print("A cone with radius", r, "\nand height of", h, "\nhas a volume of :
>    ", volume, "\nand surface area of : ", surfacearea,)

and even that can be cut down to just:

volume = 2345.987654321  # for example

We can round the result first, then print it:

print(round(volume, 2))

or we can change the display by using string formatting:

print("%.2f" % volume)


“Cheer up,” they said, “things could be worse.” So I cheered up, and sure
enough, things got worse.


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